Northgate Accident & Injury clinic / Chiropractor in Seattle, Washington

At Northgate Accident & Injury clinic, we pride ourselves on providing comprehensive and personalized care to our patients who have sustained injuries from accidents at work, on the road, or elsewhere. Our team of skilled and experienced professionals, led by Dr. Trevor Nabholz, is dedicated to helping you recover and regain your health as quickly as possible. Our chiropractors in Seattle offer a wide range of services, including chiropractic care, massage therapy, physical therapy, and rehabilitation programs tailored to your individual needs. Our state-of-the-art facility is equipped with the latest technology and equipment to ensure that you receive the highest quality care. We believe that communication and collaboration are essential for effective treatment, which is why we regularly work with other medical specialists and insurance companies to ensure that you receive the care and compensation you deserve. We are committed to providing our patients with the utmost compassion and respect and will go above and beyond to ensure that you are satisfied with your care.

Address: 10564 5th Ave NE, Ste 402,Seattle WA,98125 USA


Chiropractic Chiropractic Care Chiropractic Clinic Chiropractic Treatment Neck Pain Spinal Adjustments
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